Saturday, January 21, 2006

Be gone, that wretched path!

Work started this morning on removing the left hand path that runs along Doug's plot. Nasty nasty work. It is nothing but grass, most of it the nasty 'spear' grass AKA Couch grass (see left). It was a 3-man effort - The first man did basic top turf removal with a fork. The next man then raked and removed any overt rhizomes and blades with the third man following in the rear, on hands and knees scrabbling through the soil looking for any lurking remnants of the grass or its horid, pale roots. Hopefully, with such an effort, the grass will no longer be an issue and the extra 60-80cm of space can be used efficiently.
Work was also done on the strawberry bed, weeding and adding 4 new plantlets from runners in the new space retrieved from the path.

Still harvesting: Parsnips (The last of them today), Jerusalem Artichokes (still LOADS to go), Swedes, Cabbage (almost gone), and Broccoli.


At 10:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who was the third man?

At 11:29 am, Blogger Flo and Ben said...

Well, I managed to pursuade two Frisbee friends of mine to turn up, after a heavy nights drinking, to the plot at 10 in the morning. They worked hard, and it was good fun watching while I sipped on my hot brandy and apple juice.


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