Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Out of the coldframe, into the big wide world!

I met Flo after work, my panniers laden with climing french beans and courgette plants. We prepared the ground and threw them in! Flo dug holes about 10" wide, filing the bottom with a fork-load of manure, then popped the little plants in on top - we planted 4 in total. I set about putting in 4 of the French Beans that I believed were climbers (I lost the lables that distinquished between the bush and climbing varieties. DOH!) No special treatment, just dug a hole and put them in. I also planted 2 more half-rows of Nantes 2 carrots in the early carrot bed. We should really be looking to find where we can plant our winter carrots as we currently havn't planed for them. Of course, as is obligatory this time of year, much time was devoted to weeding; the onions, carrots and garlics all having a once over. We must fleece the young carrots to protect them from the fly! Also, must re-plant the parnips soon. Sue from work, was very kind in giving us a clump of perrenial Welsh Onions that can be used both as a cooking onion as well as a spring or salad onion. We planted near the rear of the plot, next to the waterbutt - no special treatment, just dug a hole and bunged them in.


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