Thursday, December 29, 2005


Well - nothing at all to report from the allotment - this is just to mention that is has been snowing since the 27th and there is still about 6-8cm on the ground with more forecast!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

A little sprinkling of snow...

Brrrr.....twas a cold and snowy morning - I believe Bernard's car reported it being -1 when we departed for the plot. We (being Flo, myself, Anne, Bernard and Uncle Harry) arrived at 11am just in time to witness the first draw in the annual Bluebell Allotment Association Raffle. All of about 10 people turned up to view the prize draw. Flo and I didn't win a thing - not even the bottle of 'champagne' and were bitterly disappointed.
We then headed over to the plot to harvest the last remaining carrots, a few parsnips and some Jerusalem artichokes. Still no sign from the beans or garlic (having said that, there was a layer of snow in the way).However, I did notice that the 'Floey-Trap 2000' I had set with tea and cake as a lure the night before had rewarded my efforts with quite a catch!.

Otherwise, the allotment is relatively docile at the moment. I can confirm, through a little investigation, that the garlic has sprouted some roots. That's about it until 2006!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Flo's Christmas Roses

Flo's 3 new climbing Roses were delivered yesterday, so today I spent the morning puting them into the ground. The three were: Teasing Georgia, Shropshire Lad, and Tess of the D'urbervilles (please excuse my spelling). Two went in towards the back of the plot, using the railing next to the shed as their climbing medium. (it is difficult to see them in this picture, but they are there..good luck finding them ;))

The third was planted at the front on the edge of the 'flower garden'.
There was no special attention paid to the soil or any preparation of the bed apart from weeding - basically, I dug a hole and carefully back-filled the soil around the roots, firming them in so the stalks met about 3" below the ground.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

All quiet

Once again...just a very quick check up and harvest. No sign from an recent plantings. Took up a couple of swedes, parsnips and a few jerusalem artichokes. Work on removing the old left-hand path should start soon in the new year, otherwise, no major jobs need doing.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A quick check up...

Checked on the plot - no sign of life from any recent plantings yet... It has been a cold couple of weeks though...All the vegetation from the parsnips had died back completely.