Shed experiements
The ground, very frustratingly, is still frozen about 2" below the surface. This means its pretty difficult to do any useful digging etc. Instead, I spent the afternoon preparing 10 loo-roll plugs each of Sutton and Aquadulche Broad Beans incase the load that I pushed into the gaps on the plot on Saturday don't come through. I also sowed a seed-trays worth of Leeks - I hope they come through - I thought I would get on top of them early this year seeing as how dissapointing last years were. They should be pretty well protected from the aggressive frosts we have been having of late, but its still pretty darn cold - only 6 C today!
A couple of days after I threw in those risky carrots it snowed and they were probably under snow/ice for a good 3/4 days, which bodes well! ;) Oh well, I might just put more seed down now, as it looks like the frosts might stay away for a few days....
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