Saturday, March 18, 2006

Flo's return

After a noticeable absence from the world of the Allotment, Floey took up our onion sets and a few other seeds. She planted 3 rows of about 20 white Sturon variety, pushing them down so that just the tips were above the ground. She also cleared the Beets bed and sowed one row each of Boltardy Beetroot and Swiss Chard. Underneath the ol' Jerusalem stems that we left as a little nature reserve, Flo found a young Cardoon which had perservered through the winter after we had cut it down in the autumn. It has been left to grow in the midst of the Swiss Chard. Flo also moved carpet and revealed fresh earth that hardly needed any digging at all! God Bless carpets.


At 12:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a Cardoon

At 4:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A cardoon is like a globe artichoke but the floweres are not the bits that are eaten. Instead you blanch the stems like celery and eat them braised. A bit fussy but the Victorians used to do them.

At 3:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks - Ben did explain at the w/e but I was too drunk to remember

At 3:46 pm, Blogger Flo and Ben said...

I hope you are feeling a little better now, Richard! I don't know that Flo and I intend to use the cardoon for its edible qualitites - we find it rather attractive just as plant.


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